Doriane Olewicki


Ph.D. Candidate at Queen's University

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Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Engineering at Queen’s University, Canada



I’m Doriane Olewicki, born and raised in Belgium. I moved to Canada for my studies in 2018. I’m fluent in French and English.

I’m a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Engineering at Queen’s University, under the supervision of Professor Bram Adams. I started my PhD in September 2020 and I’m expected to defend my thesis in December 2024.

Since July 2019, I’m collaborating with La Forge, Ubisoft Montréal on first my Master’s research and thesis, and now on my Ph.D. research.

Research interests

Continuous Integration, Software analytics tools, Review, Lifelong learning for Software Engineering, Concept Drift, Machine Learning.

I aim at evaluating how ML tools are used in the context of Continuous integration. Currently, I’m interested in the reviewing process and how review automation can help reviewers in their task, while keeping the ML tools behind the automation trustworthy. In previous work, I evaluated how concept drift impacts the evolution of SE development and the performance of automated (ML) tools over time, focusing on several use cases related to continuous integration at Ubisoft. Furthermore, I wanted to mitigate the impact of concept drift, using methods of lifelong learning, but also study how the detection of characteristics of concept drift can be used to trigger model updates and to select training datasets.

My Master’s thesis was called On the Cost and Value of Build Automation.



Study Background
